Marinna has made a huge personal sacrifice. She did what not enough of us are willing to do to stand up for truth and peace. We never know what is going on inside of someone's brain, especially when people keep their thoughts to themselves. Marinna, I can't thank you enough for your courage. You action is making a difference in Russia and the rest of the world. Be strong.
Marina Ovsyasnnikova es una herina Rusa, ella quiere la libertad de todas y todos los Rusos, el mundo no culpa a heroico Pueblo Ruso, por los actos de los traidores gobernantes Rusos, que manipulan, someten, sacrifican y engañan cobardemente a su pueblo, para infringir destrucción y muerte en Ucrania, esta guerra no es del Pueblo Ruso, es la guerra individual de Putin que miente y arrastra a su pueblo a ella, el Pueblo Ruso tiene el deber heroico de protestar
Marinna has made a huge personal sacrifice. She did what not enough of us are willing to do to stand up for truth and peace. We never know what is going on inside of someone's brain, especially when people keep their thoughts to themselves. Marinna, I can't thank you enough for your courage. You action is making a difference in Russia and the rest of the world. Be strong.
WTF $300 is a huge personal sacrifice? What about living under shelling for 8 years in Donbas - does that compare?
Law and order disappeared with dictator Putin.. so the war is inside Russia now ..
She is a Russian patriot telling the truth, but I am sure Putin will make an example of her to scare others.
She presents that Russia that I hope should develop in the future.
She was released from custody on Tuesday, and fined 30,000 rubles - approximately $280, per Moscow Times: (scroll down for item)
Marina Ovsyasnnikova es una herina Rusa, ella quiere la libertad de todas y todos los Rusos, el mundo no culpa a heroico Pueblo Ruso, por los actos de los traidores gobernantes Rusos, que manipulan, someten, sacrifican y engañan cobardemente a su pueblo, para infringir destrucción y muerte en Ucrania, esta guerra no es del Pueblo Ruso, es la guerra individual de Putin que miente y arrastra a su pueblo a ella, el Pueblo Ruso tiene el deber heroico de protestar
280 rubles no jail. (I'm not complaining) what if its a (Ok I'm paranoid) psyop. 'Look we slap wrists of protestor even dis glaring example!'
Such courage . I have thought of her a lot and this incredible act of defiance. I salute her.