I appreciate your courage and your dedication to reporting the truth. I will continue to support you financially and here in Barcelona you have a friend for whatever you need

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Спасибо, Фарида!

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I wish Putin would read this.

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The courage of Russian dissidents is inspiring. I hope more of them emerge. I can only imagine the choices they anguish over.

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Here's something worth reading, it might give some people some ideas, you never know - "He is committed to the care of Big Nurse—a full-breasted, stiff-gaited tyrant who rules over her charges with chilling authority. Her ward is a citadel of discipline. Strong-arm orderlies stand ready to quell even the feeblest insurrection. Her patients long ago gave up the struggle to assert themselves. Cowed, docile, they have surrendered completely to her unbridled authority. Now, into their ranks charges McMurphy. The gambling Irishman sees at once what Big Nurse’s game is. Appalled by the timidity of his fellow patients, he begins his one man campaign to render her powerless. First in fun, and then in dire earnestness, he sets out to create havoc on her well-run ward ... to make the gray halls ring with laughter, and anger, and life." https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=c3R1ZGVudC5iY3Nkbnkub3JnfG1yLWFsYmFuby1ob21lcGFnZXxneDo0OTczM2FhMjc3MjQ3NGZl

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